Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fun with Cousins / Dad in Computer

We were excited in India as we met all our cousins about whom we have been either hearing and seeing in photos..pretty much days were busy playing with folks of our size and getting pampered by adults..everyday we could just walk across street to buy goodies.. no longer was their need to dress up and get tied in car seat...

everything was great but DAD was missing.,,,untill one day when we saw him in computer.. we were excited.. to see him.. we asked him to come out and play.. but realized he can't until he travels in plane like us. He promised until that happens he will chat with us in computer and asked us to have fun...

After seeing dad we were relieved and continued having fun.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bangalore Landing .. (Finally out of plane)

Finally it was time to leave plane and we were in the airport...We were excited .. thinking we will see dad...
but NOOOOOOOO dad was no where.... instead we saw my cousin..and Sudha aunt . From Airport we took a drive to home...thought dad will be there.. but noo we was not be seen anywhere.. also the home was different.... thats when we realized... we are India.. about which we heard often through out our life..

The home was nice and lot of fun things to explore... also had to search for dad.. in the interim..

Flight travel = Traveling in a big car without FUN....
Car Travel (in India) = Traveling with tons of Fun without worries of car seat and belt... We love it..

Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Plane Trip

Hmm all of a sudden ammama appa mummy were packing bags.. we were excited as we love going out.. We started later that day.

We stayed in our favorite Sheraton.. had fun ... running around ..then visited NASA.. After the visit we thought dad was heading to home but NO>>>>

we ended up in Airport(that's what folks called... not sure what it was)
The all of a sudden dad bid good bye and left.. We were confused.. Anyways just be in safer side we kept ammama , appa and mummy in our close vicinity.. (we didn't them to leave as well...) then after waiting in a big room for a while were asked to board.... Didn't know what board meant until we started moving into a passage and then into small room with tons of seats.... mum said that is plane..

Dunno what plane means to adults. For us it was an awful place, where we sat hour together.. wondering why do we have to be here when we have home with big bright hall...

When we asked mom we want to go bye bye.. Mom said we are already out bye bying.