Saturday, May 22, 2010

Off to Houston again

It was a sad and happy day for us.. Happy because we were heading to Houston.. did we say we love to travel ;) Sad because our cousin nethra and akshara were leaving to India.

While dad went to drop our cousins in the Airport We enjoyed by staying in hotel with mommy near the hotel pool and roaming around to see other nice hotel amenities like play area, Vending machines, indoor pools.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Costco here we come

So dad took us to Costco along with our cousins , athai , ayamma and ayappa. It was fun. we had a trolley ride; our cousins sped up the trolley so it was fun .

The best thing about Costco is the samplers which are soo yummy.. wonder if there are soo many fun stuff to eat why our folks doesn't let us have all?
Good we had nethra akshara around who understood us and gave samplers. It was yumm ..will be going home and will be asking ayamma to make those for us at home.