Monday, July 27, 2009

We hate you mom,love you dad

For past couple of days our nose was getting stuffy during nights. Mom; instead of helping us was giving saline drops into our nose and used the evil aspirator to suck the mucous out of our nose. It was awful and we hate her for doing this to us :(.
We love Daddy who rescued us from mommy by holding us upright and put us in our crib to sleep once the nose was cleared.

Daddy is the best.

Wait!!! We do hate dad for spending more time with computer than us; and we love mommy for being with us always..

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bath time...

We can't thank ammama appa enough for helping our mum reach her first milestone on learning how to give us bath and help us wear our onies.

Yeah when mum gives us bath it is not as soothing as ammama but she is getting there!!!We wish mum all the best to learn the rest of the stuff from ammama to take care of us well :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

First milestone- One Month Old

Today we are a month old. Mum & Dad feels this is our first milestone as now we can go out besides doc office.
To celebrate the occasion Mum Dad ammama and appa decided to take us for a one hour long ride to Temple Texas to visit Temple in our armor cage.

Trip was fun listening to songs we like, Temple was very nice and poise. It was a nice change to see a new place beside home and doc office.

We look forward to rides like these except just wish we didn't have to be in the armor cage.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Glad to see you...

We are 4 weeks and have been exciting so far.
We have so many friends and relatives who are sooooo nice to us

Our first visitors were Betty Aunt and Kim. We also met Sreeja Aunt, Shaila Aunt, Senthil Uncle, Thirumagal Aunt, Guru, Nithya, Bala Kumar Uncle, Satish Uncle, Deepa Aunty & Abiram, Dad's Volleyball & Poker friends Raj, Barath, Deepak, Srinath, Pat, Ravi uncles.(awaiting to join the club soon :))

Can't wait to grow up and spend more time with them.

We also keep in touch with Ayama, Ayappa, Periama'a and Cousins through calls
Can't wait to meet rest of our friends...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our scheduled 2nd Week meeting with Doc.

We went to visit our doctor again...We didn't like this time as we were pricked, Thanks to our binkies else we would have brought down the clinic by crying our lungs out he heee

Our Doc promised us he wouldn't disturb us for next two month and we believe him...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Home Alone!!!

As usual Dad Left to office in the morning and then mom suddenly decided to take ride out leaving us ALONE with our Grand Ma Grand Pa... This gave us time to enjoy time with them without mum's interventions to get us on her schedule to do list for us.

We had a gala time but want to tell a secret which we wanna hide from mom...Even though mom thinks we didn't miss her we in fact did !!! amidst all the attentions and pamper bestowed on us by our grand parents... Just wanna keep this a secret from her so that she loosens up a bit and does stuff to make us happy he heee heee